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Datum: 10.04.2018

Vložil: BruceGremo

Titulek: Test, just a test

Hello. And Bye.

Datum: 08.04.2018

Vložil: Deltaelqqyqru

Titulek: Преобразователи частоты - prom-electric.ru

ATV71HD55N4 ATV21HD30N4 CIMR-E7Z43P71 CIMR-E7Z40301A M200-01100042A M700-10202830E FR-A024-0.75K P3-E540-3.7K-NA CFW110058T4ON1Z CIMRV7CCB4P07 CIMR-F7C41850 FR-V540-55K-NA EI-7011-300H M600-07400770A CIMR-F7Z20301A EI-9011-100H SMC930250-P CIMR VMS 2030 M200-02200024A ATV312HU30N4B N3-2P5-C ATV61HU40N4 ATV71LD66M3Z FR-V220E-3.7K 3G3RV-B420K CIMRV7TC42P27 CIMR-F7Z41850 E2-8300 050H VFD015S21E FR-V540-2.2K-NA M400-01100042A FR-Z220-22K-UL CIMR-V7AT45P51 M700-08201160A EI-7011-175H CIMR-E7Z20P41A ATV31C075N4 CSXI-055-V4-C1 CIMRG7C43P71A CIMR-E7Z40451A ATV21HU40N4 ATS22D32S6 CIMR-G7C20550B CIMR-G7C47P51B ATV71HC50N4D ATV12HU15M3 PA7300-4060-N1 CIMR-VC4A0001JAA GBR ATV61ES5C63N4 FR-A120E-7.5K CIMR-J7AZ42P20 CIMR-E7C40370 FR-V540-22K-NA CIMR-F7A40151 CFW700D70P5T4DBN1 CIMR-V7TCB0P77 CIMR-J7AZ22P20 ATV71HU55N4 CIMR-V7CC43P07 CIMRE7Z22P21A ATV12P075M2 CIMR-F7C41100 E1-P7002 125H CIMR-E7Z41100B FR-A740-01800-NA CIMR-F7C44P01 ATV71WU40N4 EI-P7002-075H ATV61H075N4S337 ATV71HC40N4 M810-09402240A CIMR-E7C40P71 EI-9011-005H CIMR-E7Z20111 ATV61QC20N4 ATV71HU22M3Z PA7300-4030-N1 FR-V220E-11K ATV71HU55M3Z ATV312HU15N4B M600-10202830E CIMR-E7Z20151 F1C460V02HM30 SMC921750 -p CIMR-J7ACB0P20 ATV61WD15N4A24 CIMR-L7B40157A SMC943000-P prom electric prom-electric.ru CIMR-G7A42200 FR-Z340-3.7K-AW CV104010-9 VFD004S21A 3G3RV-A4040 CIMRJ7AC40P70 SJ200-004HFU EQ5-4020-N1 CIMRJ7AZ20P40 ATV312HU15S6 CIMR-V7CCB4P07 CIMR-V7TCB0P17 CIMR-F7Z40220A CIMR-F7Z23P71 M810-10402700E FR-A140E-5.5K ATV61EXS5C13N4 GP102075-9 3G3PV-B4300 ATV61HU30Y E1-9013 1000H ATV61HU55N4Z CIMRJ7AZ40P20 EQ5-4700-C CIMR MTII 7.5 VZA44P0BAA-S5030 SMC941750-P VFD055F43B-G VFD055B43A CIMR-G7C43P71B ATV312HU40S6 ATS01N206RT CIMR-E7Z40181 ATV61WD22N4C CIMRE7Z41850A M800-09201760A SMC920150-P P3-E520-1.5K-NA M400-09202190A FR-Z220-3.7K-UL ATV61HD75N4 VZA20P7BAA-S5030 CIMR-E7C40550 SJ300-370HFU EI-7011-005H CIMR-G7A43P71 CIMRV7AZ43P00 ATV61HU30M3 ATS48C79Q FR-A740-01100-NA Н CIMR V7 CIMRE7Z42200A EI-P7012-450HIP54 CIMR-G7C23P71B ATV71LD14N4Z CIMRE7Z41320B M200-03400073A ATS48C48Q CIMRJ7AC43P00 ATV71WU22N4A24 CIMR-F7Z40220A ATV61HD75N4Z CIMR-E7C20450 EQ7-2030-C CIMR-VC4A0018BAA-1000 ATV61EXC2C13N FR-S510W-0.2K-NA CFW110054T2ON1Z CIMRJ7ACB0P40 EQ7-2040-C EQ5-2025-N1 EI-9011-050HIP54 ATV71LU30N4Z EI-9011-175HIP54 M810-06400420A CIMR MR5N 2030 WJ200-022HF CIMR-J7AC41P50 CSX-045-V4-C1 ATV61WU75N4C ATV71HD45N4Z EI-P7012-050H CIMR-VC4A0005HAA FR-A220-0.4K-UL EMX3-0023B-411 FR-A520-15K-NA CIMR-E7Z20450

Datum: 07.04.2018

Vložil: Messagyqrrpi

Titulek: Hi

станок для установки заклепок

Datum: 07.04.2018

Vložil: Deltatryiuu

Titulek: Неисправность частотника

serial network, all of the following must take place: Node A does the following: Enables its network driver. Sends the address of the node to transmit to. Sends the message. Disables the network driver and waits for a response. Node B does the following: Reads incoming data. Detects the node’s address. Reads the message associated with the address. Detects when the message has ended. Takes the requested action. Prepares a response. Enables the network driver. Sends the response. Disables the network driver. Node A then does the following: Reads the response. Takes any required action. At the same time, all of the other nodes must do the following: Read incoming data. Detect the transmitted address and ignore the message associated with the address. Protocols The nodes in a network must agree on a protocol for managing communications. Three types of network protocol are primary/secondary, token passing, and collision detecting. 268 Network Programming Primary/Secondary A primary/secondary protocol, also called the master/slave protocol, is often the least complex network protocol a network can implement. One computer is designated the primary node in charge of controlling all network traffic. The other computers are secondary nodes that respond to communications from the primary node. A network might have a PC as the primary node and embedded systems as secondary nodes. To give each node a chance to communicate, the primary node can poll, or send a message to, each of the secondary nodes in sequence. Each poll can request a response, which might contain an acknowledgment, requested data, an error message, or other information. A secondary node transmits only when the primary node has requested a response. Any message from one secondary node to another must pass through the primary node. The main limitation of the protocol is the delays that occur as each node waits to be polled. For a critical alarm system, waiting to be polled could be a problem, while a data-acquis prom-electric.ru

Datum: 07.04.2018

Vložil: Deltauubryq

Titulek: Что за ошибка частотника?

Добрый день!
Выпадает error al238 на частотном преобразователе FR-A140E-18.5K. Похожие устройства ATV61HU30N4S337, 3G3RV-A2055, SMC921500-P на насосах без ошибок.
Расшифровку нашел через nigma по запросу "buk9y12-55b" prom-electric.ru/media/BUK9Y12-55B.pdf . Был неисправен дисплей.
До связи!

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